Back Stabiliser Elastic 8_627
80627Provides compression and support for general lower back dysfunctions. Elastic Back has 4 internal stays for additional support, adjustable elastic side straps for extra compression, and lightweight breathable material for wearer comfort.
449 kr
InstructionsPosition the lower part of the back piece on the coccyx bone and then wrap the piece and secure with the fastener. Make sure the middle two internal stays are on either side of the spine. Secure the elastic side straps for extra compression.Injury ListInflammation/Strain of Back Muscles AttachmentsLow Back Pain (Lumbago)Lumbar Disc Injury (Slipped Disc)Spondylolysis and SpondylolisthesisSacroiliac Dysfunction (Inflammation of the Sacroiliac Joint)Anklylosing SpondylitisWarningThis product contains natural rubber latex which may cause allergic reaction. If pain persists, discontinue use and consult your medical professional.Material40% Nylon25% Polyester20% Rubber10% Spandex5% PP